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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/29/24 Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Law of Jesus - part 2 Jeff Archer Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage Series Sun AM MDR5-The_Law_of_Jesus-part2.mp3
09/22/24 Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Law of Jesus - 2 Jeff Archer Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage Series Sun AM MDR4-The_Law_of_Jesus.mp3
09/08/24 Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Law of Jesus Jeff Archer Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage Series Sun AM Marriage_Divorce_and_Remarriage_in_the_Law_of_Jesus.mp3
09/01/24 Marriage and Divorce in the Law of Moses Jeff Archer Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage Series Sun PM Marriage_and_Divorce_in_the_Law_of_Moses.mp3
09/01/24 The Assault on God's Teaching on Marriage Jeff Archer Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage Series Sun AM The_Assault_on_Gods_Teaching_on_Marriage.mp3
08/25/24 The Grace of Jesus Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM The_Grace_of_Jesus.mp3
08/18/24 Dealing with Difficult Issues Chad Brewer N/A Sun PM Chad_Brewer-PM-Dealing_With_Difficult_Issues.mp3
08/18/24 Resurrection of Dry Bones Chad Brewer N/A Sun AM Chad_Brewer-AM-Resurrection_of_Dry_Bones.mp3
08/11/24 I ams of Jesus in the book of John (Sermon in Song) Jeff Archer N/A Sun PM Jeff_Archer_-_I_ams_of_Jesus_in_the_book_of_John_Sermon_in_Song_-_11_August_2024_PM.mp3
08/11/24 Nourishment for our Endurance Race Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM Jeff_Archer_-_Nourishment_for_our_Endurance_Race_-_11_August_2024_AM.mp3
08/04/24 Visit the Orphans and Widows Jeff Archer N/A Sun PM Visit_the_Orphans_and_Widows.mp3
08/04/24 The Bread of Life Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM The_Bread_of_Life.mp3
07/28/24 Gateways to Heaven and Roadblocks to Hell Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM Gateways_to_Heaven_and_Roadblocks_to_Hell.mp3
07/21/24 Ezekiel - Then They Shall Know That I Am The Lord Jeff Archer N/A Sun PM Ezekiel-Then_they_shall_know_that_I_Am_the_Lord.mp3
07/21/24 You Have Come to Mount Zion Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM You_Have_Come_to_Mount_Zion.mp3
07/14/24 Who Are We? -Part 2 Jeff Archer N/A Sun PM Who_Are_We-Part2.mp3
07/14/24 Who Are We? -Part 1 Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM Who_Are_We-Part1.mp3
07/07/24 Respect for God's Law Jeff Archer N/A Sun PM Respect_for_Gods_Law.mp3
07/07/24 Do Not Fear or Be Dismayed Josh Lewis N/A Sun AM Do_not_Fear_or_be_Dismayed.mp3
06/30/24 Indescribable - Inexpressible Jeff Archer N/A Sun AM Indescribable-Inexpressible.mp3

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